
Ronald "Ron" Blaschke's Home Page


Ronald Blaschke Welcome to my web site. Here, you'll find information from my previous studies at the University of Salzburg and Bowling Green State University, as well as some, more or less current, projects.

If you have any questions or comments feel free to contact me.

2009-02-14 - Console x64 Binaries

Console doesn't provide x64 binaries, so here are mine.

2006-05-12 - Transcript of Perlcast 13

The transcript of Perlcast's interview with Randal Schwartz is available.

2005-12-07 - Weblog

I have decided to start a weblog... again. This time hopefully for real.

2005-12-04 - Perlcast Transcripts

I have started transcripts of Perlcast, a great Podcast devoted to Perl. Feel free to have a look.

2005-01-17 - pod-input Plugin 0.1 Released

If you like Apache Forrest and you are running the latest 0.7-dev snapshot you might want to take a look at the pod-input plugin. It provides handling of Perl Pod documents.

2004-12-01 - Old Content, New Style

I've started copying content from the old web site to this new one. This may take a while, so expect lots of broken links until I'm done.

2004-11-21 - Added First Prototype of Convert

A first prototype of the Object Conversion Framework is up.

2004-11-01 - This Place Looks... Different

Yes, it does. After about two years of no change I decided to dump the old site, and start from scratch. I'll probably put some of the previous stuff back up again. If there's anything you are interested in from the previous site please contact me via email.