


 *  symtab.C
#include <iostream.h>
#include <string.h>

#include "symtab.h"

extern bool debugFlag;

PSymtabCls ScopeCls::vista = 0; // define static member

SymtabEntryCls :: SymtabEntryCls(char *Name) {
    if (debugFlag) cout << "SymtabEntryCls()" << endl;
    name = Name;

int SymtabEntryCls :: emit() {
    cout << "SymtabEntryCls::emit() BASE CLASS!!!!" << endl;
    return 0;

SymbolCls::SymbolCls(char *name, PDataTypeCls dataType, PAddressCls addr)
  this->name = name;
  data_type = dataType;
  address = addr;

PDataTypeCls SymbolCls::getDataType()
  return data_type;

PAddressCls SymbolCls::getAddress()
  return address;

/* end-attributes */

/* begin-symtab */
/* ******************************************************************** */
 *  SymtabCls
/* ******************************************************************** */
SymtabCls :: SymtabCls() {
    if (debugFlag) cout << "SymtabCls::()"<< endl;
    tablesize = 17;     //Must be a prime for good performance
    hashtable = new int[tablesize];
    next_location = 1;  // sacrifice 0th spot - hashtable empty:NIL
    symtab = new PSymtabEntryCls[tablesize]; // Note "P" !!!!
    PSymtabEntryCls tmp = new SymtabEntryCls("     ");
    for (int i=0; i<tablesize; i++) { 
    hashtable[i] = 0;
    symtab[i] = tmp;

int SymtabCls :: hash(char *s) {
    if (debugFlag) cout << "SymtabCls :: hashing for " << s ;
    char* ss = s;
    unsigned int h = 0, g;
    for (; *ss != '\0'; ss++) {
    h = (h << 4) + *ss;
    if (g = h & 0xf0000000) {
        h ^= g >> 24; // fold top 4 bits onto ------X-
        h ^= g;     // clear top 4 bits
    return h % tablesize ;

int SymtabCls :: insert(PSymtabEntryCls info) { 
    if (debugFlag) cout << "SymtabCls::insert()" << endl;
    //Return 0 if insert successful; else location in symtab.

    //Look for open slot in the hashtable....
    int Try, hash_try; //`try' can be a reserved word 
    char *Name = info -> name;
    if (debugFlag) cout<<"preparing to enter"<<Name<<"\n";
    Try = hash(Name);
    if (debugFlag) cout << "preparing to go into hash table at " << Try << endl;
    while (hash_try = hashtable[Try]) { //something's in hashtable
    //Check to see if it's the same thing we want to insert...
    if (!strcmp((symtab[hash_try] -> name), Name)) {
        return hash_try; //it's already there!
    } else if (++Try >= tablesize) {
        //resolve collision by looking for open spot ...
        Try = 0; //wrap around 
    //Mature (growing) tables can be at most 2/3 full, 
    // So an open spot MUST be found
    hashtable[Try] = next_location;
    if (debugFlag) cout << "entered current loc'n in table " << Try << endl;
    symtab[next_location++] = info; //Since they're both pointers
    return 0; // success!

PSymtabEntryCls SymtabCls :: lookup(char *Name) { 
    if (debugFlag) cout << "SymtabCls :: lookup for " << Name ;
    int cur_table_size = tablesize;
    int Try, orig_try, hash_try;

    orig_try = Try = hash(Name);
    hash_try = hashtable[Try];
    while (hash_try) {
    if (!strcmp(symtab[hash_try] -> name, Name)) {
        return symtab[hash_try];
    if (++Try >= cur_table_size) Try = 0; // wrap around
    if (Try == orig_try) {
        return symtab[0];
    } else {
        hash_try = hashtable[Try];
    return 0; //Failure!